Everyone has gotten the forward one time or another that explains why people come in to your life. Basically it is for a reason a season or a lifetime. Typically I read this forward say "Awwww" about the person whom forwarded it to me initially and never really take the time to analyze it.
Well the time has come and today I received this forward yet again, but this time I actually read and analyzed it. I started thinking about all the associates, friends and of course lovers (both whom broke my heart and I broke theirs), that have come in and out of my life over my lifetime.
I realized that these three analyzations actually have some meaning and carry some depth. Let's anaylze some of the persons (whom shall remain nameless) in my life.
First and foremost their were the friends:
The Best Friends -> I have the friends whom I thought would be my friends forever. The ones from my school years, both elementary and Junior High. Those friends helped keep me honest with me. I can recall back to those days and realize that those were the days where I did not really think of what people thought of me I was just me. I loved all my friends, and they are the ones whom helped me shape my values and morals. They kept me real and fun loving me. They were here for a Reason. Most are no longer a regualar part of my life (due to me moving around so much). However, some I have managed to keep in contact with just to touch base and give me a bit of nostalgia and bring me back to the ground and remember what is important.
The Friends (Associates) --> These were the people whom came in my life by chance, either thorough work, by best friends or by family. These people often were not best friend material however they had a purpose. Some of their purposes I still have not figured out but most are pretty clear cut. They have mostly brought me a more realistic view of what life is and always has been. They were the people that kinda made me open my eyes and realize that life is not always warm cookies and milk (not that I had that but you know what I mean). Life is and alwyas will be what you make of it and you can choose what you want to do with it. Life is not fair and never will be and you have to fight for everything you want out of it. Life is just undetermined until you fill in the painting with color. The people who taught me these things are mostly still around to bring me a dose of reality every now and again but for the most part they were here for a season. And as we all know every year that season comes back around each time different yet always the same.
The Lovers --> These people are a mix. Sometimes they came in to my life for a reason, sometimes a season and if I am lucky a lifetime. The lovers are those people whom intertwine a little bit of everything. A little dose of trueness a dash of reality and a big dose of fairytale love. These people helped me to realize that love is what it is. Most are gone and only one true love is here for a lifetime.
So with that said I hope that next time you get that forward you will read a little more into it and analyze the people in your life. Believe me you may come a cross a true dose of reality.