Well its been awhile since I last wrote. I feel like I have had a lot changes I have been through in the last 6 months or so, some realizations that I already new, started tapping into a lot of things I used to love to do but didnt have time, started to appreciate my time on this beautiful land we call earth, and decided to move forward with love and happines. The happiness to know that everything I choose to do was a path given to me already before it was a thought. So moving forward i will walk swiftly...
"Moving forward as the distance a car glides down a highway ona road trip.
Always moving forward knowing that everything tht you pass will either be gone forever only a glare in the distance. Or it may just be something you will pass on your journey back, form whatever adventure you are going on.
Moving forward only knowing that everything you used to love and forgot , will come back again, sometimes life just has you take a quick detour. Just go with the flow and know you will return again one day."
Thus, in my life this applies because I have gotten back my love of cooking and baking no less. I love the way food makes people happy, especially when they know you made it for them, to enjoy and just be happy for a moment. My joy comes from seeing and making other people happy.
I will keep moving on in my life, new adventures, new things to learn and new life to live, just being me.........