Thursday, January 22, 2009


Picture this, a blistery cold 28 degree, windy day in the nation’s capital. American families and there children against the elements and the odds. A man set to lead a nation and then you realize “we have overcome”.

That scene sets the stage for what I experienced in this historic time in our lives. A time I did not think would happen in my lifetime. My heart and spirit was hoping it would happen and it did.

The campaign, election, and subsequent inauguration of our 44th President of the United States have brought a sense of spirit back to America. In my opinion our country has been standing still for so long that we had become to move backwards in time. Letting the hard work of ancestors go un seen almost as if the struggles had not happen. But then we notice a man who has come to restore our belief in this great country we call the United States of America.

I believe in the spirit that has been restored in me.

I believe in the prayers that have been answered.

I believe in the true meaning of love.

I believe in me.

I believe in this nation.

I believe in our people.

I believe in our ancestors.

I believe in my neighbor.

I believe in the yet unborn children of America.

I have hope for the future.

I have hope for today.

I have hope for this country and all that I know we are capable of accomplishing.

I will do what I can to help “Renew America’s Promise”.

Will You?


  1. I was there too...Wow what a moment when Barack and Michelle got out of the car right in front of us and started the walk down Penn. Ave. Wow...the crowd went wild!
